Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Letter Form Abstraction

I like the overall appearance of this piece and I like the letters that I chose. I feel like it was successful other than how the edges aren't as straight as I'd like. It worked to do half of them black and half of them white so I like that. I don't like how the edges look shaky because of the brush I used. If I had to do it over again, I would've used a different brush. The most difficult part of completing this piece was trying to make the pieces stay down because they were curling up at the edges. I learned how the contrasting over colors make a piece more interesting.

Letter Form Abstraction

Overall, I think that this piece is okay. I think that it is pretty successful because I like how it looks with the letters mashed together. The only thing that didn't really work was making the edges of my letters sharp because I didn't use the right paint brush. I needed a thin one with a flat bottom. If i had to do this project over I would have used a different paint brush. The most difficult part of completing this project was painting it the right way and making the letters stand out. I learned that the way the letters look and what colors they are really affect the appearance of the paper.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Cartoonists are probably my favorite out of art professions. I wanted to research this profession because of how important cartoons are. They're actually really important to common life because young kids and even many adults love too watch cartoons. I love how they're so fun and creative. People would be blown away by how much work it takes to create cartoons; they creators deserve a lot of credit. 
In order to become a cartoonist, 4 years of college are required. After you've scored the job, you'd be working with artists and/or with TV channels to make a profit off of your work. Mostly, cartoonist are drawing and animating their work on the computer. They use special computer affects to bring their characters to life and give them life. The yearly salary for cartoonist is about $49,000-59,000 depending on who you work with or for. 
Overall, I wouldn't want to do this job for myself but I give props to the people that do it!