Thursday, June 7, 2012

Pop Art Sculpture

This was my first time ever making a sculpture so I think I did pretty well! I made an iPhone and I think that it was pretty successful but I wish that I had made the sides more narrow. With the sides so wide, it kind of looks like an iPad and that wasn't what I wanted. If I were to do this project again, I would cut the parts differently before I taped them together. Other than that, I am happy with this piece. I think it was a good idea for me to draw the lines before I painted to so the lines look straight. The most difficult of this project was painting the apple on the back but I think I did well all together.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Op Art2

I really like this piece also. When I started drawing the circles, I knew exactly what I was going to do with the rest of the piece. I used four different colors to create the design, which I like. But I wish that I had done different colors. If I were to do this project again, I would swap out the blues with black and grey, and the browns with a brighter color. Nothing was challenging for me about this piece. It was easy and fun. Overall, I really like the design but I wish it had different colors.

Op Art

This probably one of my favorite pieces. I think I did really well at making this confusing and almost life-like. It was difficult to start this piece because I didn't know where to begin but once I started moving, it almost drew itself. I am happy that I decided to do only black because I think that multiple colors would make it easier to decipher and wouldn't look as good. If I had to do this project again, I would make the transition between the circle and the lines less noticeable. I would draw something more or add color n places so it all flowed together. Overall, I am very proud of this piece.

Water Colors

I am very pleased with these pieces. I think I did a good job at making distinct lines without the paint running. I thought it was a good idea to use the hair-dryer to dry a surrounding area before painting a different section to make sure that colors to blend together. I think I did well except for the bottom of the paw I didn't give the paint enough time to dry so it smeared. The most challenging part of this project was using water-colors different than I had learned how to use them. I had to change the way that I painted but over-all, I think I did pretty well. If I were to do it over again, I would make sure that I gave every piecee a while to dry so I would not have any with smears.

Magazine Reflection

This piece was challenging for me but I think that I completed it to the best of my ability. I've never tried to fill in parts of a picture that weren't there so it was difficult for me to make it match up to the pieces cut out. But looking at it now, I think I did fairly well. I succeeded at shading to make it look more realistic and I added the same features that the characters originally had. If I had to do this project over, I would make sure that I was more cautious when I glued the pieces to the paper because I accidentally got some glue on the part I was supposed to color, making it look blotchy. Overall I think I did fairly well.

Character Skeleton

This is my drawing of Dory and what I think her skeleton would look like. I think I did a good job considering Dory is an animated character, making her features more difficult to draw. I also like how I made her skeleton look similar to her body form but I also made sure that it also resembled a fish's skeleton. If I had to do this project again, I would make the bone for Dory's left eye-brown a little less pronounced because it almost looks like an eye. Other than that, I think I did very well on this project.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Text Collage

I like this piece a lot. I think that I was successful being creative. It worked to use different colored words to make a shape; it didn't really work to have such big words as the background. If i was to do this again, I would use smaller black words so they wouldn't distract the viewer from the shape. The most difficult part of this piece was finding yellow words. I learned that typography is more important and influential than I had though.

Cell Animation

I really like how this piece turned out. I think my character turned out great and I'm proud of it. I think that it's very successful for my first try. It really worked to paint on the opposite side of the tracing. It didn't really work to make the walls look red. If I had to do this project again, I would change the color of the background to be more subtle. I learned how important it is to exaggerate characters appearances.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Letter Form Abstraction

I like the overall appearance of this piece and I like the letters that I chose. I feel like it was successful other than how the edges aren't as straight as I'd like. It worked to do half of them black and half of them white so I like that. I don't like how the edges look shaky because of the brush I used. If I had to do it over again, I would've used a different brush. The most difficult part of completing this piece was trying to make the pieces stay down because they were curling up at the edges. I learned how the contrasting over colors make a piece more interesting.

Letter Form Abstraction

Overall, I think that this piece is okay. I think that it is pretty successful because I like how it looks with the letters mashed together. The only thing that didn't really work was making the edges of my letters sharp because I didn't use the right paint brush. I needed a thin one with a flat bottom. If i had to do this project over I would have used a different paint brush. The most difficult part of completing this project was painting it the right way and making the letters stand out. I learned that the way the letters look and what colors they are really affect the appearance of the paper.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Cartoonists are probably my favorite out of art professions. I wanted to research this profession because of how important cartoons are. They're actually really important to common life because young kids and even many adults love too watch cartoons. I love how they're so fun and creative. People would be blown away by how much work it takes to create cartoons; they creators deserve a lot of credit. 
In order to become a cartoonist, 4 years of college are required. After you've scored the job, you'd be working with artists and/or with TV channels to make a profit off of your work. Mostly, cartoonist are drawing and animating their work on the computer. They use special computer affects to bring their characters to life and give them life. The yearly salary for cartoonist is about $49,000-59,000 depending on who you work with or for. 
Overall, I wouldn't want to do this job for myself but I give props to the people that do it!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Great Doodle

Overall, I think this is my favorite piece that I've completed. I think that I was successful in not leaving a lot of white spaces and using numerous different designs. It worked to separate my designs with random lines but the boxes in the top left corner don't really blend in with the rest. If I had to do it again, I would fix those and add more marker. The most difficult part of this project was figuring out where to start. But after I had started, it was easy to complete the project because it flowed. Drawing this project, I learned how to make completely random objects and designs all look cool and artsie when added together.

Color Wheel

I like this piece of work because I think I like the design and how the colors all blend together. I feel like I did pretty successful in making the colors mix and making them lighter in the middle. The only thing that I would chance, if I had the chance, would be the purple. I don't think that I mixed it well enough so it kind of stands out from the rest of the colors. The most difficult part of completing this project was adding the perfect amount of both colors to make the middle colors blend in. Overall, I learned how to mix paint and make it lighter when I need to.

One-Point Perspective Name

Overall, I feel like I could have done better on this piece. I do like how I was able to make the letters look 3D but I was that I had made the drawing more exciting. If I were to do it over, I would keep the letters the same but add more colors and make it more intriguing. The most difficult aspect of this drawing was making my entire name fit on the paper. I learned how to use a ruler way more than I have for any other projects and make things look like they're popping out of the paper.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

One-Point Perspective Hall-Way

I really like this piece. I think that it's very expressive and I think that I did well making the perspective. I think I did well making the hall-way look like it's getting smaller and showing how I would like it to really look. If I were to do this project again, the only thing I would change would be adding a type of animal print to the design. Other than t hat, I think I did really well and don't need to majorly change anything. The most difficult aspect of making this project was adding the second door that cut the hallway in half. I learned how to make my one-point perspectives improve.

2-Point Perspective Building

In my opinion, I did pretty well on this piece. I feel like it is pretty successful considering that 2-point perspectives are more difficult to draw. I think it worked to make this piece look like it was getting smaller at the edges. It didn't really work making the windows look realistic. If I could re-do this projects I'd I would make sure that my windows looked better and more realistic.The most difficult part of this project was figuring out where to start and how to make the perspectives. I learned how to make something look like it is disappearing as it goes on.