Thursday, October 27, 2011

Pop Cans

     I believe this piece of work is very challenging for myself. This is a successful piece of work because it was my first time drawing anything 3-dimensional. It worked to make my pop can look smashed but my regular can doesn't look very three-dimensional. If I got to do it over again, I would do more shading on my first can. The most difficult part of completing this piece is making the crushed can look realistic because it was hard to make it pop out. I learned how to make drawings look wrinkled by doing this piece.

Gesture Drawing

I think that this piece is a good start to my gesture drawings. It is pretty successful because I think I made the clothes fit the right way and he does look somewhat like the action figure I was drawing. It was successful to make the clothes look like real clothes but his body doesn't look very realistic. If I were to do this project again, I would make the body look more proportional. The most difficult part of completing this piece was drawing his feet because they were facing me. I learned how to make clothes look like they are flowing from the persons body. 

Still Life

I think this piece is making progress in my shading. I think that it was very successful for my first time drawing a still-life. I believe I did a good job making my drawing look 3-dimensional but I didn't do so hot making the crinkled paper under the objects. If I could do this project over again, I would take the crinkled paper out from the picture all together. The most difficult part of completing this piece was making it look realistic and making it pop. I learned a lot about shading while doing this piece.