Thursday, June 7, 2012

Pop Art Sculpture

This was my first time ever making a sculpture so I think I did pretty well! I made an iPhone and I think that it was pretty successful but I wish that I had made the sides more narrow. With the sides so wide, it kind of looks like an iPad and that wasn't what I wanted. If I were to do this project again, I would cut the parts differently before I taped them together. Other than that, I am happy with this piece. I think it was a good idea for me to draw the lines before I painted to so the lines look straight. The most difficult of this project was painting the apple on the back but I think I did well all together.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Op Art2

I really like this piece also. When I started drawing the circles, I knew exactly what I was going to do with the rest of the piece. I used four different colors to create the design, which I like. But I wish that I had done different colors. If I were to do this project again, I would swap out the blues with black and grey, and the browns with a brighter color. Nothing was challenging for me about this piece. It was easy and fun. Overall, I really like the design but I wish it had different colors.

Op Art

This probably one of my favorite pieces. I think I did really well at making this confusing and almost life-like. It was difficult to start this piece because I didn't know where to begin but once I started moving, it almost drew itself. I am happy that I decided to do only black because I think that multiple colors would make it easier to decipher and wouldn't look as good. If I had to do this project again, I would make the transition between the circle and the lines less noticeable. I would draw something more or add color n places so it all flowed together. Overall, I am very proud of this piece.

Water Colors

I am very pleased with these pieces. I think I did a good job at making distinct lines without the paint running. I thought it was a good idea to use the hair-dryer to dry a surrounding area before painting a different section to make sure that colors to blend together. I think I did well except for the bottom of the paw I didn't give the paint enough time to dry so it smeared. The most challenging part of this project was using water-colors different than I had learned how to use them. I had to change the way that I painted but over-all, I think I did pretty well. If I were to do it over again, I would make sure that I gave every piecee a while to dry so I would not have any with smears.

Magazine Reflection

This piece was challenging for me but I think that I completed it to the best of my ability. I've never tried to fill in parts of a picture that weren't there so it was difficult for me to make it match up to the pieces cut out. But looking at it now, I think I did fairly well. I succeeded at shading to make it look more realistic and I added the same features that the characters originally had. If I had to do this project over, I would make sure that I was more cautious when I glued the pieces to the paper because I accidentally got some glue on the part I was supposed to color, making it look blotchy. Overall I think I did fairly well.

Character Skeleton

This is my drawing of Dory and what I think her skeleton would look like. I think I did a good job considering Dory is an animated character, making her features more difficult to draw. I also like how I made her skeleton look similar to her body form but I also made sure that it also resembled a fish's skeleton. If I had to do this project again, I would make the bone for Dory's left eye-brown a little less pronounced because it almost looks like an eye. Other than that, I think I did very well on this project.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Text Collage

I like this piece a lot. I think that I was successful being creative. It worked to use different colored words to make a shape; it didn't really work to have such big words as the background. If i was to do this again, I would use smaller black words so they wouldn't distract the viewer from the shape. The most difficult part of this piece was finding yellow words. I learned that typography is more important and influential than I had though.